Wednesday 5 October 2011


Millions of Americans suffer from restless, uncomfortable sleep, and poor body support at night may be the root of the problem. Aligning your body the way nature intended can minimize tossing and turning, relieve aches and pains and alleviate morning stiffness, helping you eel better all day
Specialist says that the importance of leg support at night is often over-looked. “Stress and discomfort often result from the upper leg and knee being unsupported during side sleeping. The sleeper instinctively shifts the upper knee forward, causing the hips and spine to rotate, putting a twisting force on the lower ace. This often leads to low back pain at night and can aggravate an existing condition.
“The solution is to place a leg pillow between your lower thighs. This keeps the upper legs even, eliminating pressure on the knees and drastically reducing the tendency to twist the hips, maintaining a comfortable open side posture helps keep your spine in a natural, relaxed position for a great night sleep.”
• The National Institutes of Health recommends sleeping with a pillow between your legs as a treatment for low back pain.
• Head pillows should be shaped to support the curve of your cervical spine Leg pillows should Tithe shape of your legs to comfortably slay put at night.
• Look for mattress pads that support the curve of your lumbar spine, rather than Just a flat piece of foam.
The two most important features to consider when choosing body alignment products are shape and material.
Memory foam best relieves pressure points, while fiberfill offers a softer feel and more ventilation.

Baby dental care suggestions

Baby dental care suggestions
• let your child brush first when teaching them, and then help them with their brushing
Baby dental care
• don’t be concerned at first with trying to brush all the teeth at each session
• reinforce your teaching with positive role modeling, make sure your child sees you brush and floss regularly – they will want to mimic you
• let them play with a toothbrush anywhere in the house so that they era comfortable with it (monitor – not to at them run around with it unwatched)

Remain healthy through the years……

Women’s Health Guide for Their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and Beyond 
It is projected that by the year 2050, 20.7 percent of the population will be comprised of individuals over the age of 65, °cording to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, Resident Population Proletarians by Sex and Age: 2505 to 2050. As such, there has been much health hype lately, particularly for the senior woman. But paying attention to healthy life styles is something that should begin early on in a woman’s life and be customized to her needs on she ages.
Women on the tail end of adolescence and beginning their adult lives may be in prime health. However, it is never too early to start planning your future. Throughout your life, you require calcium as an essential mineral for bone health aid strength – something that diminishes as you age. During your 20s, you need 1000 mg daily. Which can be comprised of calcium rich foods like dairy products and combination of supplements.
 Women ore remaining fertile longer than in past years. This makes the 30s one of the prime time for women to have children, which begins at age 25 and continues through age 34, according the U.S. Deportment of Health and Human Services. Therefore much of the attention pooh place on health may revolve around your dads’. to conoeire. If you’re planning on having a child soon, rile a goad k6a to spook to your OB/GYN about prescription for folic acid.
This supplement has been shown to reduce the risk of some birth defects and therefore is something essential for mothers to be.
 If you have been by on visiting the dentist, gel back in to routine with checkups and Cleanings. Tooth and gum health can actually affect other areas of the body. In fact, advanced gum disease has been linked in stroke in some people. By keeping your mouth healthy. you’ll be keeping your entire body beatify as well.
 This transition time of life con is a roller coaster of emotions. You’re moving out of your childbearing years and towards menopause. This is the time when you’re officially “aging.’ You’re no logo building bane moss; in fact, you could be slowly losing it. Your metabolism may have also started to slow down, resoling in a softening of body shape.
 Visiting the doctor may become more commonplace in this decade. You should begin annual fecal occult tests to check for blood in your stool – an indication of possible colon cancer.
Many people consider this decade “the prime of life’ because you’re Free of menstruation for wool, free of your children for and are able to enjoy life. At this stage in the game, skin health and care should be of top concern; previous sun tanning and misinformation from your youth may have resulted in ego spats, wrinkling and dried out skin. While you may not be able to reserve all effects, you can be small about using sun block, moisturizer and mild soaps on your delicate skin. Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated from the inside.

Be careful of Alvin Phang’s course on making money through blogs!

I have to qualify first that I personally did not attend this course held recently in Kuala Lumpur by facilitator Alvin Phang, on the topic of how to make money online or by blogging. The title of the workshop escaped me but it’s something to do with teaching people how to make money on their blogs.
I believe Alvin Phang comes from Singapore and claims to have made many thousands of dollars through his blogging, mainly from affiliate programs. Someone I know went for the course and after completing the 2-day course which was held at Wisma MCA during a recent weekend, I asked how it went, what he learned and gained. He kindly shared with me and to my horror, I found that people should be made aware of some hidden agenda. Read below on how I think Alvin cheats on his earnings from affiliate programs and Adsense.
Firstly, I would like to qualify also that I believe Alvin Phang has made his course specially for people who do not know anything about blogging and setting up blogs. He helps them to register a domain of their choice and subsequently helps to install Wordpress on it and proceed to set it up including installing a theme for all participants. They all use a theme designed by him.
They are told that for the RM2,500 course held in Malaysia, it not only includes the workshop fee but they also get the domain name and 1-year hosting of their site. I expected the participants to then get full access to their web host and also domain name manager so that they are fully empowered to manage their own blogs.
As it turns out, they do not have any control over the web host nor the domain name. I figured that Alvin probably earned his affiliate income signing up everyone for a domain name and a 1-year web host service. And since they do not have any control over this and thus will not learn how to manage any of these services going forward, they seem to be locked in for as long as they don’t transfer out the domain and continue using the web host provider they signed up with. Wow, that’s year after year of affiliate income for Alvin, isn’t it?
I have to qualify first that I personally did not attend this course held recently in Kuala Lumpur by facilitator Alvin Phang, on the topic of how to make money online or by blogging. The title of the workshop escaped me but it’s something to do with teaching people how to make money on their blogs.
I believe Alvin Phang comes from Singapore and claims to have made many thousands of dollars through his blogging, mainly from affiliate programs. Someone I know went for the course and after completing the 2-day course which was held at Wisma MCA during a recent weekend, I asked how it went, what he learned and gained. He kindly shared with me and to my horror, I found that people should be made aware of some hidden agenda. Read below on how I think Alvin cheats on his earnings from affiliate programs and Adsense.
Firstly, I would like to qualify also that I believe Alvin Phang has made his course specially for people who do not know anything about blogging and setting up blogs. He helps them to register a domain of their choice and subsequently helps to install Wordpress on it and proceed to set it up including installing a theme for all participants. They all use a theme designed by him.
They are told that for the RM2,500 course held in Malaysia, it not only includes the workshop fee but they also get the domain name and 1-year hosting of their site. I expected the participants to then get full access to their web host and also domain name manager so that they are fully empowered to manage their own blogs.
As it turns out, they do not have any control over the web host nor the domain name. I figured that Alvin probably earned his affiliate income signing up everyone for a domain name and a 1-year web host service. And since they do not have any control over this and thus will not learn how to manage any of these services going forward, they seem to be locked in for as long as they don’t transfer out the domain and continue using the web host provider they signed up with. Wow, that’s year after year of affiliate income for Alvin, isn’t it?
That’s not all, Alvin also removed the permission to edit any of the theme settings in Wordpress administration. This means that they cannot change the template, cannot tweak the theme in anyway. Not even to install any plugins! All they get to do is post entries, add some widgets in the sidebar, put up some affiliate banners and that’s about it.
Why shouldn’t the owners of the blogs be allowed to manage all these fundamental things in their very own blogs? I’ll tell you why. Or at least I think I figured the reason why Alvin locked it.
Alvin made it known to the participants that he DOES NOT believe in making money from Google Adsense. If you visit his various sites, you will not find a single unit of Adsense being used. Fair enough. But do you know what he has done with all the participants’ blogs? He inserted Adsense into them and those Adsense units are not from the participants’ Google Adsense accounts! Whose are they? Must be Alvin’s, right?
He inserted those Adsense into the sidebar of the blogs but he did so sneakily. He did not insert them using the widgets because blog owners can change and even remove them. He included the Adsense codes into the sidebar.php file which is kept locked and inaccessible to these blog owners. So how are they going to remove these Adsense? They simply can’t.
So if Alvin does not believe in Adsense, why did he so sneakily incorporate them into other people’s blogs and lock it so that it cannot be removed? Answer is simple. Alvin does believe in Adsense. He just doesn’t put them into his own blogs but make his Adsense income via other people’s blogs. God knows how many similar courses he’s conducted and how many participants’ blogs he has set up with his Adsense code incorporated.
Now if you think about it, Alvin is a smart businessman who not only makes money from the seminar fees collected, he is also making affiliate income from all the domain names and web host sign ups, including any clicks of those Adsense on other people’s blogs. No wonder he can claim to have made hundreds of thousands through affiliate programs. So now you understand the secret of his making so much money from affiliate programs. Clever business idea, isn’t it?
I won’t comment on the content of his seminar. I’m sure for beginners they would have learned a lot since they start out with no knowledge whatsoever. I’m only warning you of what he does behind your back, telling half-truths and lying about his sentiments on Adsense when he’s riding on it through you!
Share this useful tip with others:

Monday 3 October 2011

Mobile Phones Must Known Codes - Very Usefull


1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger.

Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#"

Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.

This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec(EFR)
-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx 5%

#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound
but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line : SoftwareVersion,
2nd Line : Software ReleaseDate,
3rd Line : Compression Type

3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.
(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)

10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To

11 *#2640# Displays security code in use

12 *#30# Lets you see the private number

13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea chable(no service)" calls are diverted to

16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

17 *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature
"SIM Clock Stop Allowed",it means you will get the best standby time possible

20 *#7760# Manufactures code

21 *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings

22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)

Displays -

1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of lastrepair (0000 for no repairs),
5.Transfer UserData.

To exit this mode-you need to switch your phone off then on again

24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

28 12345 This is the default security code press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

Facebook Usefull Tips and Tricks

A lot of people post and post away on Facebook and never get the results they had hoped for. Whether it’s not getting new fans or not getting anyone interacting with them, it’s just not making business happen. We all want great brand ambassadors, right? Did you ever consider that maybe your posts just aren't getting to those people that will be your brand ambassadors? Here are some tips on how to change that.

1-Set a username:-

If you go to Facebook’s (username) page, you will get a screen that looks like this:

trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat,chat with friend,trick manage facebook,block incoming email,facebook friends photos,gmail and yahoo,facebook fullpost display,friends photos displayed,transfer orkut photos,trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat

From here you can change your personal username (if you haven’t already) or you can choose a page from the menu to pick your page’s username. You should do this, because it makes your page more sharable. If you don’t, you will be telling people to either search for you on Facebook or give them a url that is not easy to remember. Make it short and make it memorable and you can spread the word about your great page much easier.

2-Ask a question:-

Facebook has this lovely little thing called an algorithm. It decides just how many people will see your posts. Yup, not all of your fans are seeing your posts. Facebook uses a few factors when deciding if fans will see a particular post. The first is engagement. Are people liking it? But more importantly, are they commenting? If you post about this Thursday’s happy hour with just the details, your fans will just acknowledge it and move on with no reason to act. If you post about the happy hour and ask which of the one hundred beers at this particular bar are you going to try first, suddenly your fans have something to react to. And suddenly more people see your post. Win-win.

3-Post frequently:-

The other major part of the algorithm is frequency of posts. At a bare minimum, you have to post every other day. Otherwise, your fans will not see all of your posts. Better yet is trying to post every day. The easiest way to keep up with this kind of demand is to create a calendar ahead of time and write out your posts, along with any links, media or tags that you will have to include. Remember, there is too much of a good thing. You will know if you are posting too much when your fans stop interacting with you and yes, that will mean your post will no longer be seen. Play with it and find your sweet spot. But, to be honest, anything more than two is probably too much.

4-You can only post one event at a time:-

I cannot stress this enough. I get so many event invites it’s ridiculous. Sometimes five at a time from one page. As soon as I see that, I just reply no without even looking at what the event is. Look at what you are trying to promote. Would it be better served by a like button? Or maybe it’s just something you can post about? Most likely yes and yes. Events are overused and are not as effective as you think. A Facebook like button flies a lot faster and will probably give you the mileage you want. But if you absolutely have to do an event, only do one.

5-Links are customizable:-

You probably know that you can pick what picture you use when you post a link, but did you know that you can change the text too? It’s a nice trick to have in case you’re posting a pdf or any link that doesn’t have good SEO information (if it’s your site, fix that). It’s also nice to have when you want to call attention to a part of an article that maybe doesn’t get mentioned in the description. To do this, all you have to do is click on the text that is generated when you input the link. So you can take a link about online safety. 

trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat,chat with friend,trick manage facebook,block incoming email,facebook friends photos,gmail and yahoo,facebook fullpost display,friends photos displayed,transfer orkut photos,trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat

and turn it into a link about my psycho obsession with the most awesome cat in the world.

trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat,chat with friend,trick manage facebook,block incoming email,facebook friends photos,gmail and yahoo,facebook fullpost display,friends photos displayed,transfer orkut photos,trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat

Pretty cool, huh?

6-Post via Facebook:-

This is my controversial advice. There are lots of reasons to do it. You can’t tag people and pages when in an application, links don’t appear correctly, etc. I could seriously go on all night. But I actually have a better reason: Your post may not be seen. Here is what I saw under a Facebook post today.  

trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat,chat with friend,trick manage facebook,block incoming email,facebook friends photos,gmail and yahoo,facebook fullpost display,friends photos displayed,transfer orkut photos,trick in facebook,facebook background,manage facebook chat

Do you know what I saw when I clicked on it? Posts from five pages and two friends. I honestly just thought most of those affected by this never posted. Apparently they do. I just never see it. A lot of us spend a lot of time railing against those that tweet via Facebook. Well, guess what. The reverse is true too. And I hate to tell you guys, but this is what happens when you use Networked Blogs or other such programs to post your blog posts to Facebook. Oh and Hootsuite and Tweetdeck? They do it too! You’re shorting yourself and your fans by using these programs. Take five seconds and just do it in Facebook.

7-You can remove posts:-

 Sometimes people post things on your page that are just inappropriate. This is your page. You set the rules. I suggest removing any inflammatory posts or any obvious spam. Beyond that, keep the others and respond where appropriate (and it’s almost always appropriate). To remove posts, all you have to do is hover on the right corner of the post. An “x” shows up and you can identify the post as spam or just delete it. So, if you currently have your wall closed to comments, you just lost your reason, so open it up now.

8-Do not constantly change your page’s picture:-

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I’m a content curator. I’m looking to take your great press and use it elsewhere so that more people know about how awesome you are. In doing that, I usually scan through Facebook looking for the people and pages that provide the most content for me. I’m not looking at names. I’m looking at pictures. So, in other words, if you keep changing your picture every two days, I’m going to miss you and I’m going to bereally annoyed by that. Normal people who want to interact with you are doing this too, but to a lesser degree. Once again, you’re cheating yourself out of engagement. Keep it consistent and/or recognizable.

9-Highlight your fans:-

 This is one of my favorite tricks. If done correctly, it drives your fans’ friends to your page. If done incorrectly, no one sees it. If you are a DMO, I would start with a tourism business of the week. Tag them in the post and also put the link of their Facebook page into it (the picture makes it prettier). What happens is that the business will be happy that you highlighted them (good relationship builder) and they will, in turn, post about it (good fan base builder). Once you have a great fan base, then you might want to consider highlighting your fans that might come for a visit. However, this gets trickier since you can’t tag them. They won’t be alerted to the honor and might miss it. But it is something to play with and might get people looking for your posts.

Budget Removals of Portsmouth

Usefull tips

Here are a few tips we have to help insure your move goes smoothly.
Heavy items
Heavy items such as books sould be packed into smaller boxes. Place heavier items at the bottom of larger boxes but never make them so heavy that they cant be lifted safely by one person. If a partly filled box is already heavy add somethimg light on top to fill it such as cusions.
Always make sure the boxes are strong enough for the job. We do provide FREE BOXES so please let us know if you require them.
You can leave items such as clothes in drawers as long at it can be lifted safely by two people. Soft items are best packed in bin bags as this help when it comes to loading the lorry.

Re: Some Really Usefull Tips About Shipping A Car/truck To Africa:

                         Category I   Category II      Category III
                         up to 400 cft   401-650 cft    651-899 cft
                         Used Cars   Used Small Vans   Used Big Vans
Dakar & Tema:      $1,210.00   $1,255.00   $1,575.00
Lagos                  $1,345.00   $1,400.00   $1,895.00
Pointe Noire,
Freetown              $1,650.00   $1,950.00   $2,290.00
Luanda & Boma      $1,695.00   $1,750.00   $2,145.00
Lome & Cotonou       $1,400.00   $1,480.00   $1,825.00

*******All Cotonou Shipments are subject to a $35 Cargo Tracking Note**